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Internet Safety

Internet Safety encompasses Internet technologies and electronic communications such as mobile phones as well as collaboration tools and personal publishing.

It highlights the need to educate pupils about the benefits and risks of using technology and provides safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experience.

Our Internet Safety Policy has been written by the school, building on the Warwickshire e-Safety Policy and government guidance. The school’s e-safety policy will operate in conjunction with other policies including those for ICT, Student Behaviour, Bullying, Curriculum, Child Protection, Data Protection and Security. The school will appoint an e-Safety Coordinator. This may be the Designated Child Protection Coordinator as the roles overlap.

There are some very useful website links if you require further information to help keep your child at home.  See link below.

Please see attachment below "E-Safety Tips for Parents" - details tips to keep your child safe online at home.