Category – Good
Extracts from the latest report – November 2019
- Ettington is a kind school. Staff care very much about pupils’ welfare and happiness.
- Pupils take care of each other. They do not worry that someone may treat them unkindly or bully them
- Pupils know that staff believe in them and want them to do well. They rise to teachers’ expectations by behav ing well and working hard.
- The school provides a wide range of opportunities to broaden pupils’ horizons beyond the academic curriculum.
- The school’s leaders are always looking for ways to provide more, and better, experiences.
- Leaders have thought hard about how they can improve the quality of education. They want all pupils to achieve the best they can, regardless of any barriers they may need to overcome.
- Teachers deliver the curriculum well. . They create sequ ences of lessons that lead pupils towards the non negotiable knowledge.
- A team of highly qualified and expert staff oversees the provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This team works closely together to identify exactly what support each pupil needs to ensure that they achieve the best they can.
- The school, rightly, prioritises teaching pupils to read. In the Reception class and in Years 1 and 2 , the focus is on teaching phonics. Almost all pupils learn to read fluently and independently by the end of Year 2. This sets most pupils up well for key stage 2.
- The school places pupils welfare at its heart. This shows in the joined up way in which the school implements its safeguarding policies. Governors, leaders and staff check that each other follow agreed procedures diligently.
- The curriculum ensures that pupils learn about risks they may face beyond school.