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In PSHE, our intent is that our pupils aspire to develop self-confidence, resilience and belief in their own abilities. We encourage them to be the best they can through our core values of trust, love and respect and the teaching of wellbeing, health and relationships. We believe in providing varied opportunities so all pupils can flourish and embrace ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).

Children will form beliefs through valuing people’s differences and learning about their community and the wider world. They will recognise and celebrate success in their lives and others; know how to keep themselves and others safe and value their relationships with others and their community.

Through regular PSHE lessons, the children are given the space to be mindful and reflect upon their own thoughts and opinions, to listen to the ideas of others and to challenge any prejudices, stereotypes or negative ideas. The lessons are an opportunity to discuss, think deeply and develop personal views. They also support our Online Safety curriculum to teach our children how to keep themselves safe in a digital world.

Protective Behaviours – links for parents